Composer / Audio Producer, looking for new projects

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  • My name is Will Savino, and I am a composer and producer based out of Michigan. I have a masters in music composition from Michigan State University, and have been recording and producing my own music for over 12 years. I'm interested in collaborating on exciting new games, and I'm quite comfortable with FMOD if you're looking for an adaptive score.

    You can listen to my video game music demo reel here.

    I specialize in jazz fusion and electronic music, but if you check out my demo reel, you'll see that I'm comfortable writing in many genres. I work very quickly and will edit until you are completely content. My rates are cheap and negotiable. If you are interested in working together, please reach out to me:

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  • Hey, I love your music!! Sounds great! I am currently working on a project for androids that is entirely finished on the code side, I could really use your music!! You and the artist would share the revenue from the game, as I'm just doing it for college applications and game making experience

  • Just finished up the music and sound design for Hurricane Outbreak for Android ( ... neoutbreak)

    Currently looking for new projects!

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