Artists and Beta Testers needed

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  • I'm working on a game that is very similar to the Silent Realms in Zelda: Skyward Sword except in two dimensions. I can't seem to find the sounds/music for the Silent Realm online, and because the original game is in 3D, I can't find any pre-made graphics for it. I already altered some graphics to make it look like the Silent Realm, but it's getting too time-consuming and I'm not that good at it. I'd rather spend my time making the actual game than with making graphics and sound. If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Sadly because this game is free, all I can offer in return is a spot on the credits page in the menu.

    Here are some screenshots of what I have so far: (last updated 7/8/2012)

    Here is a list of what I need specifically: (last updated 7/8/2012)

    [X] = Have it.

    [_] = Needed.

    [-] = Don't have it and don't need it but would be a bonus.

    • Sound/Music (Either from the original game, or that closely matches what you would hear in the original game.)
      • [_] Guardians are asleep (From just one of the areas will do.)
      • [_] Link got caught and the guardians are waking up.
      • [_] Link is being chased by the guardians.
      • [_] Sound that is played when you grab a tear.
      • [-] Link got too close to one of the watchers that follow you, and it made that jingling sound.
      • [_] Sound that is played when Link step into the safe circle after collecting all of the tears.
    • Graphics (Should be Zelda-styled) Important Note: When the guardians are asleep everything has cool colors (mostly blue). When They wake up, almost everything turns into warm colors like red or orange. Keep this in mind when making the graphics.
      • [_] Dirt and transition between dirt and grass. (The grass part should be transparent because the grass will change colors.)
      • [_] Mountain tiles. (GB-styled because aLttP mountains are complicated.) Any grass that overlaps the mountain should be transparent because the grass will change colors. It should support heights from 16 pixels and up.
      • [-] Waking Water. (Just make a animated rectangle of it about 200x150 pixels. I'll edit it in Gimp to give it the shape I want.)
      • [-] Better looking (but still similar) fence than in the screenshots. (Horizontal and vertical.)
      • [_] Knight Guardian (Either from scratch or altered from Minish Cap Darknut sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Asleep with sword stabbed in ground.
        • (Optional) Standing up and lifting sword.
        • Standing in place, looking around for Link.
        • (Optional) Preparing to charge.
        • Charing forward.
        • Attacking.
      • [_] Ghost Guardian (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Asleep
        • Foating slowly toward Link in a very creepy fashion.
        • Attacking.
      • [_] Sky Watcher (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Foating high with light pointing straight down.
        • (Optional) Link has been spotted and watcher is disappearing.
      • [-] Earth Watcher (Either from scratch or altered from existing Zelda sprites.) 4 directions (up, down, left, right) for each:
        • Hovering above ground.
        • Link got too close and watcher is following Link.
        • Link has been spotted and watcher is dissapearing.

    If you want to be a beta tester and you know what that means, just say so and I will send you a copy when the game goes in beta. (Right now it's in early development.)

  • Hey I wanna help you out with your game by doing some beta testing and to be honest from the looks of those screen shots it looks a bit like Pokemon <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Anyways I'll try to get some of my fellow friends to help out as well and I also have a friend who is a really good 3D artist I hope I will Help XD

    So again just in case the whole thing to do with my friends has mixed ya up Im applying for BETA TESTER

    My Email -

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  • Hey, I'm an artist and would be very interested in helping. It being unpaid though, will likely take a backseat to some other projects.

    Shoot me an email and we'll talk!

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