Artist seeking coding partner for 2 player gaming portal

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From the Asset Store
5 levels with simple coding Source-code (.c3p) + HTML5 Exported
  • My name is Tom Klovholt, I'm a 35 years old Norwegian who has worked 4 years as an game art freelancer. I'm currently staring an project I've been wanted to do for some time now. Its an HTML5 gaming portal focused on 2 player games (

    The reason I want to work on this type of games is because I have my fondest gaming memories from playing 2 player games on my NES and Amiga ( yup, I'm old). And I see a potential Renascence for this type of gaming with a tablet in almost every home.

    This is a 50/50 profit-split arrangement.

    Your responsibilities will be coding and testing. And I'll do all the graphics, sounds, music and ideas (but I would love to work on your 2 player game ideas too).

    So if you love 2 player games, are super skilled with C2, can create all types of games and want to team up with me, shoot me an mail at:

    ( Include examples of previous projects, tests or examples. )

    Heres an wip of a 2 player game I'm working on:

    Hers my 2D game art portfolio:

    And heres some samples from my portfolio:

  • Love your assets, and I was wondering what sort of games would you be looking at hosting on the site.

  • emoaeden

    Thanks:) I'm only hosting exclusive 2 player games created by me and a partner. The type of games would vary from match 3 games to racing and RTS.

  • I'm just a beginner but I think with your awesome drawing skills you will be able to make a really cool space sim(fighting, trading etc). I would really like to do this but neither do I own the Business edition nor I got the skills for this.

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  • i'd like to make a game with your graphics. I'm not sure if the direction of starting your own site and specifically making only 2 player games is the best way to go about it. How do you plan on marketing your website? SEO is not easy and these days you may regret even attempting to try if you've not done it before. I've had 7 years of experience in ranking websites and many failures. If you would like to hear me out a bit more send me a pm.


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