Tarot card based Vampire Survivors-like game

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Advanced inventory mechanics for your RPG game (Array-based). Take Items, split them, pick up them, read the description
  • Howdy folks

    I thought it would be fun to make a wave based action roguelite/roguelike game, where the player gets their fortune read, with each card giving buffs (or debuffs) to the player (or enemies), similar to how items in Binding of Isaac affect Isaac's tears.

    If anybody has any ideas of what each Tarot card can do to the game or player please let me know

    listed is the Tarot deck I'll be going for. In brackets are some ideas I have come up with.

    0 The Fool

    1 The Magician (+ mana regeneration)

    2 The High Priestess (+Immunity frames on dmg taken)

    3 The Empress

    4 The Emperor (More coin drops)

    5 The Hierophant

    6 The Lovers

    7 The Chariot (+player speed)

    8 Strength (+player dmg and health)

    9 The Hermit

    10 Wheel of Fortune

    11 Justice

    12 The Hanged man

    13 Death

    14 Temperance

    15 The Devil (downed enemies risen as friendly zombies)

    16 The Tower

    17 The Star

    18 The Moon

    19 The Sun

    20 Judgement

    21 The World

    any input is more than welcome as its still very early days, however here is some of my terrible pixel art tarot cards to enjoy and inspire.

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  • It's hard to imagine the game because Vampire Survivors and Binding of Isaac are like two very different games. It depends what weapon the player has or how they attack. Nice art though.

  • It's hard to imagine the game because Vampire Survivors and Binding of Isaac are like two very different games. It depends what weapon the player has or how they attack. Nice art though.

    Hey Lionz, I totally agree and that's still very much on my mind. At the moment I have been messing around with a variety of weapons (melee, ranged, magical), however I think I will scrap them and just go with a projectile weapon, probably a wand. I think having a lot of weapons would probably add too much scope for someone who is fairly new to game dev.

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