Feature idea: mirrors and split-screen in 3D

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From the Asset Store
Is a circular loading screen with code ready to use. No Animation.
  • Hi, I have some feature ideas for the devs at Scirra. I don't know if they are good or if many people would like to use it, it's just some ideas I had.

    1. Add the feature of being able to use the DrawingCanvas on 3D layers (when using the 3DCamera).

    2. Add the feature of saving the image a 3DCamera sees onto a DrawingCanvas (even if this DrawingCanvas is on a 2D layer).

    3. Add the feature of creating a secondary instance of the 3DCamera (which would only be useful if you are using feature 2).

    This way, we will be able to do two things in Construct 3 which, as far as I know, we can't right now.

    a) Emulating mirrors.

    b) Doing split-screen games in 3D.

    Additionally, we would also be able to do games like this (a game inside a game).

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  • I agree that would be useful. Rendering to the canvas in the same way as the game renders to the screen would be useful. If we can't render stuff off screen it would at least be nice if we could draw a layer at a time to the canvas, instead of an instance at a time.

    Anyways, as it is now I think we could get make a mirror with the canvas. Maybe.

    Since canvas only draws correctly when the 3dcamera isn't transformed, we could replicate 3d shapes with distort meshes and transform the objects instead of the camera. With that we could transform from the view of the mirror too. Duplicate the objects on two 3d layers with a 2d layer in-between to reset the zbuffer. The bottom layer is from the mirror view and the top layer from the camera view. With some blend mode trickery we could eliminate the need for the canvas too. Which may be preferred since the canvas doesn't have a depth buffer.

    I think the biggest part would be the transformation math. My only question is if it can be fit within 25 events.

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