Double Fine Adventure raises $1m on Kickstarter

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  • I don't know if many of you are in to the old point-and-click adventure games from the 90s, but a new one is being made by Double Fine productions. They just raised $1m on Kickstarter in about 24 hours.

    Thought this might be interesting to some :)

  • I have installed and sometimes I like to play around Monkey Island I, II, III, Sam and Max, The Dig, Full Throttle, Gabriel Knife, Zork the Nemesis, 7Sins, The day of the tentacle, and much others ^^

    Nice find!

  • Day of the Tentacle is one of my alltime favorites! I backed this yesterday, I only wish I had a spare 10k or even 150k lying around those donation rewards sound amazing (they have a few listed at that aren't listed on kickstarter)

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  • They are fun but I don't have the patience. I've played Grim Fandango and some of the Myst games, and more recently those "escape the room" flash games, but never without a walkthrough >_<

    But yeah, I saw many tweets about this. I don't know how it begun, but at some point they caught the attention of the media (i believe rock, paper, shotgun said something about it) and it got really popular really fast

  • Something like $11 a second so far!

    Monkey Island were absolutely amazing games. I think they did Maniac Mansion as well? I found that too hard though lol.

  • I think they did Maniac Mansion as well? I found that too hard though lol."Where's that chainsaw?" <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    Tim Schafer used to work for LucasArts until 2000. Maniac Mansion is the first SCUMM-based adventure from LucasArts, published 1987, and the head of that one was Ron Gilbert. Tim started working for LucasArt in 1989, assisting Ron Gilbert and taking his position, as Ron left LucasArt.

    Day of the tentacle is a kind of sequel to Maniac Mansion, btw.

    //smart-ass-mode off

  • Point-and-click adventure games are my favourite genre. Looking forward to this :)

    Now, how much to pledge.......

  • I liked the whole kickstarter concept from the start. A mate off mine got hired by a band to draw a music video which got funded by kickstarter. So yes it does work for smaller projects too..

    Only downside is (or at least used to be) people can only pay with credit card which is not as common to own in europe as it is in the USA i guess.

    Obviously we are not going to get that sort of cash lolz..


    The above mentioned bands request on kickstarter:

    The final vid:

  • Ashley, I was trying to reproduce a Adventure game using C2, but it was difficult because the lack of options around Z order, when you're doing "perspective worlds".

    I think Our next big spot (or behavior) need to have some focus in that Z Ordering things, but that's another talk, for another hour ^^

    About the Maniac Mansion, You can play it inside the The Day of The Tentacle, inside a bedroom, on that old computer looking like a CP500 ^^

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