How to create graphics for gaming?

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • I tried a lot of programs but none of them was able to create anything.

    They tried: Inkscape, Krita, Gimp.

    The biggest problem is that I can not draw and no digital drawing board.

    Is there anyone here who has the same problem as me?

    if yes,then what did you do against the problem?

  • Do you have an arts background or experience with working with visual mediums? Like painting, drawing?

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  • Please don't get it the wrong way, but those are some great graphic programs. If you look at some of the work their many users are capable of, it is absolutely stunning.

    Since you mentioned you cannot draw, it is best to slowly develop your artistic skills, understanding of how each program works, and lots of practice. I went through a lot of tutorials for each before I was able to come up with my own style or flow to creating art with those programs. So choose one program, stick with it, watch tutorials and just keep practicing. You will get better and faster, than you will find it easier using all the different graphic softwares out there.

  • If you cannot draw, there are a lot of free resources - openclipart, opengameart and so on. Another approach is to pick a game style where the drawing ability matters less - vector graphic, or 8 bit pixel, or LCD grid (for example).

    I cannot draw either, at all I have had some success using 3D Modelling in the past, because you can do basic simple shapes which can look quite effective (and there are a lot of free 3D models out there) and the modeller deals with subtleties of shading, shadow and lighting and so on.

    Another option which I haven't tried is copying a real drawing - a bit like tracing over it ?

  • Use asset stores.

  • the best way to get your graphics asset is to buy them if you have budget , because most of free graphics are low quality, and to create sprites you will spend much time and effort,

    if you don't have money, you can search for tutorials to how create sprites with adobe illustrator ( for vector graphics) or photoshop ( for pixels)

  • There's a great deal over at HumbleBundle that contains lots of assets and game making tools (and sprite tools) for just $12: (until 21 July)

  • Those are indeed some great tools. Since you mention that you do not have a digital drawing board, perhaps it would be smart to work with vectors. Use inkscape and study different styles of art and discover your own style. As with any talent, you only get better with time - no program will turn you immediately into an amazing artist. While Krita has lots of awesome tools that allows pretty much anyone to do quick sketches in just few minutes, turning those sketches and building a vision for art and what works for the game only comes through vigorous study.

    Here's few resources to help you get started: ... -cms-21870

    Good luck on your learning journey and have fun!

  • thanks guys but it's very difficult.

  • There is no shortcut when drawing something. You need to practice, everyone can draw descent looking sprites after practice everyday.

  • If you dont draw that well you can always try 3D software to create your graphics. Blender might be good? Im using 3D as well an exporting to images and image sequences.

    3D software can be a little tricky to learn, but check some tutorials and you should learn fairly quickly.

  • Youtube tutorials are your friend

  • I tried a lot of programs but none of them was able to create anything.

    They tried: Inkscape, Krita, Gimp.

    The biggest problem is that I can not draw and no digital drawing board.

    Is there anyone here who has the same problem as me?

    if yes,then what did you do against the problem?

    Just practice man! That's all it takes! I've got some of my egg samples online It's all just dedication and practice: )

  • If you dont draw that well you can always try 3D software to create your graphics. Blender might be good? Im using 3D as well an exporting to images and image sequences.

    3D software can be a little tricky to learn, but check some tutorials and you should learn fairly quickly.

    It can be tricky to learn but it's a godsend and saves you hours of time redrawing characters

  • if you cant draw, ask a friend to make the drawings, you can make in the paper, and copy on the pc.

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