Bullet Behaviour isn't running smoothly

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From the Asset Store
This pack contains 10 types of bullet effects, with different shapes and colors.
  • i had making game for auto-runner genre. i make the tiled-background running use bullet behavior from right to left layout but doesn't running well, i mean it isn't run smooth. the tiled-background is likes "stop" for a 0.001 second then run again. i follow the auto-runner template. anyone how to solve it? thank you.

    my English isn't good. sorry.

  • look at auto runner capx you will find solution

  • It's hard to say what is wrong without looking at the code. Can you share a capx or upload in image of that bullet part of the code so we can have a look?

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  • look at auto runner capx you will find solution

    i have used the auto runner capx code to make my game and modification it to my own game.

    you could look the auto runner capx, focus on blue tiled background. is it running smooth?

    hm, for information..

    my laptop spec is:

    intelCore i3

    RAM 2GB

    Graphic card : intel HD graphic 3000

    that is influence the construct 2 app?

  • It's hard to say what is wrong without looking at the code. Can you share a capx or upload in image of that bullet part of the code so we can have a look?

    thank you, i'll send the code soon..

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