Various questions about selling/monetizing games made in C2

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From the Asset Store
Human/Character Base Pixel Art Sprites in various poses (nearly 100 files)
  • Hey dudes,

    I would be happy if you can answer some of my questions i have in mind. I'm new to this all so some of them could look odd.

    -Can i sell my html game made with C2 on platforms such as MARKETJs? they want a source code nope? How will they get it if it's made with an engine?

    -Can i sell my ios/android game made with construct and wrapped with cocoonjs? Here i'm sure companies want source code. So i can't?

    -Ad mob, mopub, leadbolt and all the advert stuff give SDK. I can't use it neither if the game is developed with C2?

    -Why there is no ads companies for html games but so lot for mobile games?

  • "-Can i sell my html game made with C2 on platforms such as MARKETJs? they want a source code nope? How will they get it if it's made with an engine? "

    At the end you get a valid html5 and javascript file, as well as ressources, so that shouldn't matter

    "-Can i sell my ios/android game made with construct and wrapped with cocoonjs? Here i'm sure companies want source code. So i can't?"

    Don't know, but I'm sure not all ask for source code

    "-Ad mob, mopub, leadbolt and all the advert stuff give SDK. I can't use it neither if the game is developed with C2?"

    You would have to adapt their SDK (through a plugin or execute javascript action)

    "-Why there is no ads companies for html games but so lot for mobile games?"

    can't anwser that

  • Selling on mobile they don't want source code, you own the game, they are just selling it. For places that want the source code, the HTML5 export options have all the files there and readable, just don't use minify if you need them to be able to read them.

    I have had no companies ask me for source code yet and I am currently on Google Play, Tizen, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Windows 8...

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  • -Why there is no ads companies for html games but so lot for mobile games?

    I'm guessing it's because mobile games are meant to be played within one screen, not a browser, so there are more ad companies willing to focus in on the mobile gaming aspect.

    Browser-based games are generally left to ad companies that support traditional website ads. So Google AdSense and the like.

    There's probably a better way to word that, but nonetheless it seems to be true.

  • Thank you a lot for you answers. It's helpful, i've got a better image of the scenery now.

  • HTML5 and javascript are source code. No they aren't the "source" you developed it in, but they are source code. The sponsor can look through the code to see if there is any malicious code that they wouldn't want to host on their site.

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