Just vote for the one you like most, bragging rights at stake.
Wow.. didn't know there was an event like this. Guess I missed a topic.
Announce it the next time you hold contests.. lol
Wow.. didn't know there was an event like this. Guess I missed a topic. Announce it the next time you hold contests.. lol
Yeah I agree, announce next time!
It just happened because we were bored , we only knew 10 mins before.
lol.. pretty cool..
Hey, contests aren't a bad idea.. but pprobably longer like a weekly contest with a theme stuff like that
Hahaha these are awesome!
If I've got time, I'll be in the next one.
Looks like fun!
Deadeye and I had one of these before, but we didn't post our games because we didn't want new users to think construct sucked xD
Good times
I do still have a copy of "Treehuntin" but I can't remember who made it.
cmon yall
if you're gonna do coolness like this
make it it's own forum
I mean
who goes to uploads anyway?
it's definitely not where the happenin crowd be hangin
this is like hosting the olympics in antarctica without announcing it first
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
There's a thread in open topic, and this forum's displayed in the main page. Adding more forums to the main page is more clutter; I think a lot of people know about this by now.
plus we want easy posting so uploads is the only place you can well, upload!
oh, open topic
now that place is happenin
where have I been?