Between Worlds - Game & Uni Survey

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Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template)
  • I was tasked to do a mod of a game for a final Uni assignment so I decided to mod one

    of the more well known games here on the Scirra forums.

    I've finally finished this project and handed it in.

    Here's what it looks like:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Here's the final exe:

    And here's the supporting music file (Kyle Gabler's 'Jelly' from the World of Goo soundtrack):

    What's changed from the first version that I posted here is that I've added and HUD, a

    different enemy character and fixed plenty of code. I'm glad to have finished this and

    looking forward to move onto my own game. Anyway here's some concept art that I did

    for the Between Worlds.


    <img src="">

    I used Alien Vs. Predator (arcade) sprites as reference in a last rush to finish to project

    <img src="">

  • Um... your game looks nice and all, but why are you comparing it to Platform School? It's not really a game, it's a tutorial. I guess I just feel a little put on the spot about it. I mean, if you'd asked me first I probably would have said yes, but I have no idea what the hell is going on.

    Oh, and I can't really play your game because the motion blur is too much. Could you post a non-motion blur version?

  • Okay,

    Firstly my apologies deadeye for not letting you know, if you'd like me to take it down I will. Just let me know. But let me explain the purpose of my project. I was tasked to create a mod of a game, ie. edit some aspect of the original design. I chose your platforming school because after a lot of searching it was actually the simplest cap I could get my hands on and the most complete.

    So in no way was I trying to belittle platforming school, I just need something to mod and it felt the best at the time.

    Sorry about the motion blur, seems to run fine on my comp, the lab comps and the work computers.


    "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

  • Motion blur isn't equally supported across all platforms. In most cases, it bogs the system to a crawl. Deadeye's computer isn't the best, neither is mine.

    In the future, make motion blur an option.

  • I was tasked to create a mod of a game, ie. edit some aspect of the original design.

    Okay, that's cool then. Go for it. I was just a little confused .

    But yeah, like Mipey said my computer sucks. I would like to try this out, but unless the character is standing absolutely still I can't see anything. My graphics card just doesn't do motion blur.

    To give you an idea, this is what it looks like:

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  • No probs, I've uploaded an no blur version, link is here and in the original post ... 20blur.exe

  • That is pretty nice looking dude. Seriously, I love the background and all the movement going on. The main guy looks and moves great. I was confused by his jumping a bit; I couldn't always perform the double jump. Maybe just tweak the condition a little to execute it easier.

    Animations looks great! For his (stopped) slash animation, maybe add a few more frames of the sword going down further. It looks like he stops his attack a little short.

    The treants looked really cool, and the particle effect worked well for when they are hit. Really liked the tree that appear in the bg and foreground. Once you add more elements to the layout it will feel less empty, b/c right now until the last part the level kinda just repeats and then oh! a skull! lol

    In honesty, a great start! Add a HUD (if you're using one) so we can give critique on it too. This looks very cool dude!

  • They can't be hit? I couldn't figure the controls out, just movement and jumping

  • Thanks guys yeah obviously everything is a little rough at the moment and the animations aren't fully fleshed out but you get the idea. I've still got about 2 weeks of work left to go so I'll try n put something decent together.

    Attack is C: it's all in the readme

  • The background is really nice. Hitting that stump is also pretty fun.

  • It definitely looks better without motion blur. It runs at a decent speed on my computer with blur on but the effect is extremely overdone. Plus, you can barely see the particles in the background when you're standing still. As soon as you begin to move they disappear completely, and you also miss a lot of the nice detail in your background.

    The artwork looks very nice, though. The only gameplay-related problem I had is that the double-jump's "cool down" period is a little too long. If you do a double jump and attempt another one right after you land (even if you take several steps after landing) it won't work.

    Anyway, it sort of reminds me of Actraiser 2. I guess it would be stealing ideas if you gave the knight the ability to glide if you hold the jump button after a double jump...

  • Holy crap, there's rain

    I couldn't even see that at all with the motion blur on. And yeah, your art is really nice, you don't need to cover it up with blur.

    There's no need for any game to have motion blur turned on all the time, I don't think. People overuse it way to much. Use it sparingly, for warp-speed effects or when your character gets hurt or something.

  • Anyway, it sort of reminds me of Actraiser 2. I guess it would be stealing ideas if you gave the knight the ability to glide if you hold the jump button after a double jump...

    lol my thoughts exactly. That was a TOUGH game!

  • lol my thoughts exactly. That was a TOUGH game!

    Grrrrr. I hate it when games make you fight EVERY mini boss one after another before you can fight the final boss.

    I've still never beaten the game...

    (sorry for being offtopic)

  • There's no need for any game to have motion blur turned on all the time, I don't think.

    I don't think so :s I mean if you say that because it's slow then yeah.

    But I love how it looks, more natural. At least the motion blur that comes with Construct looks like that. (has to do with magnitudes)

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