Platform shooter demo

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Cannon Ball Shooter game assets for 2D bubble shooter puzzle game.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Silvio Martins (Samprox) and I'm here to present you my project:

    Name: Platform shooter demo

    <img src="">


    Link 1 -

    Link 2 -

    Tool: Construct 0.98.9


    Platform game with just one level and a boss. The main focus is showing the resources from Construct's 3d box extension, used on scenery construction. The main features are bulle time effect and physics movements, used on each part of the enemy body when exploding. Pressing the A key from autodestruct the enemies that are close will also be destroyed. At the end of the level you'll face a tripod inspired on Strider and Half-Life 2, the best way to knock him is running from one side to the other so you don't take much damage, while taking the opportunity to fire. The game has no background music, but all you have to do is add a music on mp3 format with the name music.mp3 on the folder where the exe file is so it plays. Access and download additional musics.


    Arrow keys - movement and aim

    Z - shield

    X - fire

    C - jump

    Shift - slow motion

    A - autodestruct

    F1 - Windowed mode

    F2 - Full screen mode

    Esc - quit the game

    I hope you enjoy!

  • Very good but repetitive. Can't beat the final boss cause the game crashed after I tried to take the focus since I minimized it.

  • Wow nice one

    Really diggin' the graphics.

    Game is a tad repetitive with only the one enemy type (ther may be more, but I got stuck at the second laser gate... couldn't figure out how to open it), but has major potential.

    Extremely well done as far as I am concerned, especially for a demo.


  • Awesome, love the style Also couldn't figure out how to get past the laser gate though...

  • How about shooting and destroying the red box?

    That's opens the ..."laser gates".

    The game itself is very repetitive and does not have much original ideas, though it's very well done.

    Btw, first post here!

  • Just beat the boss!! Very cool graphics and smooth overall gameplay. I agree the game is much too repetitive. Either make the demo shorter or add more enemy types or player actions.

  • How about shooting and destroying the red box?

    That's opens the ..."laser gates".

    Tried that... got past the first gate... the second gate has no apparnt way of being able to shoot the red box, since you fall off the ledge and can't shoot in the air.

    I am obviously missing something here.


  • Tried that... got past the first gate... the second gate has no apparnt way of being able to shoot the red box, since you fall off the ledge and can't shoot in the air.

    I am obviously missing something here.


    You can shoot in diagonal direction:

    Thanks for all comments!

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  • OK now I feel like an idiot lol


  • This is a very nice looking demo!

    I believe the gameplay would profit from mouse controlled free aiming (but I realize this may not be wanted for the sake of "oldschoolness")and the ability to shoot while you're running.

    Once you add a couple of different enemies and variation in environment graphics, this could become a real crowd pleaser.

    So keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to future versions!

  • This is a very nice looking demo!

    I believe the gameplay would profit from mouse controlled free aiming (but I realize this may not be wanted for the sake of "oldschoolness")and the ability to shoot while you're running.

    Once you add a couple of different enemies and variation in environment graphics, this could become a real crowd pleaser.

    So keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to future versions!

    all of this.

    Overall it felt way too repetitive, every level was essentially the same. Either make it a lot more varied or a lot shorter.

    I think the 'button' thing that your meant to destroy should have a different appearance from the red beam door thing, they look the same but they behave differently.

    I think the combat felt a bit stale, being able to move and shoot would be awesome + that mouse thing that was mentioned.

    When I got to the boss it felt like I was doing no damage at all to him, I didn't even know if it was possible to kill him.

    Its generally solid game in most other areas, I thought the graphics were great! just more variety would be incredible.

  • The graphical style is very nice, but the gameplay is extremely repetitive, boring and to put it simply, not fun. Pretty much the only way to beat enemies without being hurt is to move in front of them, press shield, wait until they stop shooting and then shoot them back. Even this feels like too much effort since there's no real penalty to dying, I mostly just shot them until they died without caring about my own health since you're bound to respawn near anyway.

    What it'd need at least is shooting/shielding while moving and enemies capable of shooting into multiple directions to become interesting. Also, lot more variety in weapons / enemies to allow multiple approaches and varying tactics for situations.

  • The graphical style is very nice, but the gameplay is extremely repetitive, boring and to put it simply, not fun. Pretty much the only way to beat enemies without being hurt is to move in front of them, press shield, wait until they stop shooting and then shoot them back. Even this feels like too much effort since there's no real penalty to dying, I mostly just shot them until they died without caring about my own health since you're bound to respawn near anyway.

    What it'd need at least is shooting/shielding while moving and enemies capable of shooting into multiple directions to become interesting. Also, lot more variety in weapons / enemies to allow multiple approaches and varying tactics for situations.

    And jetpack for the player and for enemies.

  • Yes, very nice work

  • Holy crap, this really shows the potential of Construct's 3D abilities. It honestly looks like a modern 3D game made in a language like C++ than rather than something made in a game making program like Construct.

    I love how you managed to do this with only 3D boxes. I could hardly tell that this game was comprised of mostly boxes alone.

    Man, I know I sound like a broken record, but I want to see more like this. I really hope to see more 3D functionality in Construct someday.

    Hell, maybe at the very least the ability to make half boxes to form triangles. That way there could also be sloped platforms in games like these. Would that be hard to do?

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