Eden MMO

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Introducing MMO Game Magic sound effects library – a highly versatile and wide-ranging anthology of fantasy magic spells
  • Really nice site.

    The radar certainly looks nice, I'd probably change the radar BG's opacity level though?

    Should be an interesting to see how this will play, I can just imagine everyone sliding around chaotically.

  • I made an account a week or so ago, but it never gave me a password or anything and I can't sign in :/

    But the new site looks great


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  • Try making an account now... I think it should be fixed, would be lovely to see you all in the forums

    Thats an interesting thought Alspal.. Hopefully this won't be the case. Bear in mind the demos i've posted have no top speed limit or anything (yet).

  • After about 1000 takes of us cracking up, we got a little video done last night to show. (notice the usage of construct effects for the EMP pulse.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    We've got quite a bit of interest stirred up for the game now. Theres a thread about in on the onrpg.com forum's which has plently of replies. If we can get some betas going with the online object I'm sure this will be a great flagship of Construct's online capabilities.

  • That's a lot of features being described that don't appear to be actual features yet, hehe. Good luck getting all of that together without going nuts!

  • The pulse is nice, however do you think it could also benefit from some other effects?

  • Definately. It will probably have another ring that comes out from it also.

    Yeah theres a lot of features outlined there. Those are things that we have planned out and im fairly confident will work quite nicely and easily. But the first versions we will release will be alot more primitive.

  • Video looks great

    *high five*


  • Amazing graphics!

    I hate the universe, but in this game wants to play.

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