thanks guys
the physics is there for later game play
it's using a custom math plugin I'm working on with a different type of interpolation
catmull-rom interpolation
the jellyish look is because I'm using invisible sprites' imagepoints for the mesh distortion coordinates for quick prototyping. the final version should have completely smooth curves
the same smooth curves that the path is following
the physics is just making the sprites move exactly as if they were following the math route, but with physics data...
like if you gave an object platform behavior, and had another sprite follow it exactly with physics
you'll notice you can knock the squares around if you're at about the same zdistance as them, it would be possible with alot more work to make the get knocked around the z-axis, but I'm not planning to do that. at least not yet.
and sorry maciej, the cap requires the custom plugin, which will eventually be released to scirra, but it'll be a while,
thanks again for the kind words guys