Timer behavior - how it works?

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  • Hi there, I'm unable to solve this one issue. I have set Timer behavior for object Elektropole (electric field) and I want to make it turn on and off using timers. Every elektropole should have different on/off interval.

    So I created this... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3433127/Constru ... er%201.png

    And every time I run game game crasher after while (I think on On timer event - everything else was toggled off).

    When I try to debug, game crashes immediately saying that it is probably a bug in Construct.

    So, it is or I have weird thing in my script that causes crashes? In fact, I really dunno how to use timers, because there is absolutely no info on wiki or here. Thanx for advice.

    edit: ... and I'm using 99.82 without plugins.

  • Yay, you finally posted! Anyway, I thought you got the timer issue fixed after we went through it that time in chat?

    I don't know why it's crashing for you though.

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  • It looks like you have the expression to call your length variable written incorrectly. It's written in your length field as 'vypnuto' when it should be showing Elektropole.Value('vypnuto'). Also, I don't believe you have to stop the timer in your On Timer trigger if you've set your timer to No Repeat.

    There used to be a bug in the Timer behavior where you couldn't start the Timer again from an On Timer event, but it was marked as fixed. It could be that it's not 100% fixed.

    At any rate, it's easy to set up your own timer, so you may want to consider doing that. I have an example here if you'd like to take a look:



    I've commented it so you can see how it works. It uses TimeDelta though, so if you're not familiar with the expression then I'd recommend checking out the wiki article.

  • Yay, you finally posted!

    > It's written in your length field as 'vypnuto' when it should be showing Elektropole.Value('vypnuto').

    > ell, I attempted to do it even how you are writing, but it gives me same crashes, so I tested and tested almost everything.

    > Also, I don't believe you have to stop the timer in your On Timer trigger if you've set your timer to No Repeat.

    > ven one of my tries. It helped once in other case, so I tested it even here.

    > There used to be a bug in the Timer behavior where you couldn't start the Timer again from an On Timer event, but it was marked as fixed. It could be that it's not 100% fixed.

    > really hope so, because I have strong failure feelings

    > At any rate, it's easy to set up your own timer, so you may want to consider doing that. I have an example here if you'd like to take a look: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/529356/customtimers.cap (99.83)

    > ep, it comes on my mind I really don't need timer behaviors at all... I just wanted to know, if I totaly suck in basic Construct scripting.

    > It uses TimeDelta though, so if you're not familiar with the expression then I'd recommend checking out the wiki article.

    > imeDelta is OK for me. Thank you.

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