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4 Block Soldiers with different animations, 400x400
  • How do subanimations work exactly? The way I'm thinking about them now, I find it strange that you still need at least 1 animation/angle for the "main category" (not allowed to remove).

    For example, I want to have an animation called Walking, and 4 sub-animations called Up, Down, Left, Right. Walking is completely described by these 4 sub animations, so I shouldn't have any animation in the main category Walking, but I'm forced to have one.

    Also, the events/actions don't care whether an animation is a sub-animation or not, you just need to specify the animation name. So what exactly is the point of sub-animations, and when should I use them?


  • bump

  • One way of using them is to have variations to a certain animation. The base animation could be for example a straight walking, some sub-animation could then be a drunken walk, a silly walk, a happy walk, etc, whatever comes to mind.

    Or think of the many games where a character makes some funny things if you let it stand too long without playing. Your character could start sleeping or using a fishing rod or doing some stretching exercises, etc. That would all be variations of the standard standing animation.

  • What if I don't want anything at all in the "main" category?

    Also, is there anything I should be aware of when I make events regarding sub-animations? Or do I simply just use the animation name as normal (meaning that organising into sub-animations is just for our own organisation purposes, and Construct doesn't really care much about this structure)?


  • When I tried using them recently, the only way I could get them to work was by setting the animation to the main animation first, and THEN the sub-animation. So if you wanted to use a "Fast Walk" under the "Walk" animation, you had to do this:

    Set animation to "Walk"

    Set animation to "Fast Walk"

    Maybe I was just doing it wrong, but if I tried to set it to Fast Walk first, it wouldn't work at all.

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  • please be more specific

    upload a image of event editor


  • When I tried using them recently, the only way I could get them to work was by setting the animation to the main animation first, and THEN the sub-animation. So if you wanted to use a "Fast Walk" under the "Walk" animation, you had to do this:

    Set animation to "Walk"

    Set animation to "Fast Walk"

    Maybe I was just doing it wrong, but if I tried to set it to Fast Walk first, it wouldn't work at all.

    Sounds about right, I don't think there are any other ways to do it.

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