Start an event as an action

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  • Is it possible to create an event and start it with an action?

    I know how to do this with a workaround, but I'm interested if it is possible with a built-in function or something like that.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Just tell us what you exactly want to do. Because, if you want to do an action, the computer has to know, when he have to do that action. On the start of the layout? If you pressed a key..or just allways(every tick).

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  • Try out the Function object =] Just have an action "Call Function" in the event that should trigger the dormant one then type in the function name. It will then call another event which is called "On Function [your function name] Called" I think

    If need be, I'll try to make a cap to show you later this week (or weekend)

  • Just tell us what you exactly want to do. Because, if you want to do an action, the computer has to know, when he have to do that action. On the start of the layout? If you pressed a key..or just allways(every tick).

    I'm trying to make a list of actions that I can execute at any given point in an event. This would clear the event sheet from a lot of clutter and make 'programming' in Construct a lot easier for me.

    Try out the Function object =] Just have an action "Call Function" in the event that should trigger the dormant one then type in the function name. It will then call another event which is called "On Function [your function name] Called" I think

    If need be, I'll try to make a cap to show you later this week (or weekend)

    I know what you're trying to say, but I can't find the actions for Call Function and On Function. A screenshot on where I could find this would be practical.


  • add the function object. the actions/conditions are in there.

  • Oh now I get it. I forgot all about those blocks! Thank JayJay and Davioware!

  • I'm glad you were helped I just missunderstood your question first^^

  • I'm glad you were helped I just missunderstood your question first^^

    Thanks for helping me anyways

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