Slow Start and Exit with DirectX

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  • I just had a question:

    Does anyone else experience slowdown when using the DirectX mode? When I run an application it shows up immediately, but when I run anything using Directx mode it usually takes around 30-45 seconds for it to load and the mouse seems to freeze.

    Does this happen to anyone else or is it something with my pc or DircectX?

    PC Specs:

    AMD Athlon 64 Dual Core 3.8 GHz

    2 GB Ram

    NVidea GeForce 7150M with 957 mb ram

    DirectX 10

    Vista Home Premium 32 bit



  • I haven't heard anyone else report this problem. I think it might be a problem with your computer/DirectX version, rather than an issue with Construct. Best thing to do I think is update all your drivers (especially graphics card), install all software updates, check for viruses/adware, etc.

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  • Sounds like drivers to me, how strange..

  • Thanks for the suggestions. I will go update all of my stuff and let you know what happens.


  • I have updated my video card and drivers, my directx, and updated all my software. No viruses on my pc. Other applications and games that use directx 9/10 load fast, but construct still takes 30+ sec to load and exit my apps when I click on run or build them then run.

    Anyone have any ideas?


  • I dunno, maybe defragment your hard drive? Construct does a bit of disk access when previewing. Apart from that I have no idea. Construct doesn't do anything particularly computationally expensive when previewing.

    Is your application really huge? Even if it is, the first preview should cache a lot of stuff, then the later previews go a lot faster.

  • Is your application really huge? Even if it is, the first preview should cache a lot of stuff, then the later previews go a lot faster.

    No. Even if I just create a new directx app and run it, it takes upwards of 30+ seconds to open it. I can use other programs, like I said, so I don't know what the problem is. Sucks, because I really like Construct. I can't use it when this happens.

    Maybe it's a Vista issue? Does anyone else use Vista and experience slow starts?


  • Maybe it's a Vista issue? Does anyone else use Vista and experience slow starts?

    No problems with Vista 32-bit Home Premium here.

    Takes about 2-3 seconds for a large app to preview.

    What about your firewall?

    Maybe try it offline with your firewall disabled and see if that helps.


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