Ok, so firstly this isn't a moan about there being an XBOX controller object. From what I can tell I was one of the few to yelp happily at seeing that and being able to have so much control over it.
But after playing around with it for a while I wondered.. what about those players who use other controllers? How do we setup controls for the many other types of controller out there, are there any generic controller buttons/directions that can be used?
Maybe I've just not seen the wood for the trees, I'm having a really bad week and wouldn't put that past me. I know there's mouse and keyboard controls (and I've forced myself into the habit of always setting up keyboard controls, including an Esc = close, no matter what I'm doing).
Just wondered really, there's the group who like me, love their XBox controller, then there's the ones who use Playstation ones, then there's Logitech ones that seem very popular and so on and so forth. Just be nice for me to know how to consider those options, for future reference, and so I can avoid p*ssing anyone off (which I know I'm awfully good at ) by forcing them to use keys rather than their newly bought super expensive billion button diamond encrusted joystick.
And for those expecting USB Vibrators, sorry to disappoint you