my game is ruined

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  • I had made a 4-layout game, with 2 additional event sheets.

    Just now, I made a new event sheet and saved. Somehow, after I added an action to this event sheet, it replaced all my other remaining event sheets, ruining my entire game.

    I have no backup of it, as I assumed it was toggled on by default like in MMF2. I do have, however, an exectuable of my game before it messed up.


  • may I add how incredibly pissed I am

  • i can only imagine.

    didnt you save incremental backups? just revert, if you didnt thats a very bad practice, remember construct isnt bug free yet.

  • didnt you save incremental backups? just revert, if you didnt thats a very bad practice, remember construct isnt bug free yet.

    I edited my post just a minute before you posted. I have no backup. All I have is the messed up source file, and a working executable. I was hoping it would be, somehow, possible to reverse-engineer the executable.

  • Show us the cap, please?

  • This happens to me ALL the time. Luckily I back my files up more than is necessary or reasonable.

    I've wanted to bug report this for like a month now but I can't reproduce the error reliably at all. D:

  • Show us the cap, please?

    Here it is.

    The script "Achievements" is the one that replaced "Layout 4 Events" and "Game_Engine".

  • Wow damn that ******** all I can say is, you won't do that again.

    Sorry I wish there was something I could do apart from warn you against not making incremental saves in the future. Bad luck mate, I know how you feel... I think it's happened to all of us at some point or another.


  • Effect Outline 2.fx is required to open the cap :s

  • I guess you learned the hard way about the importance of backups, especially when using a beta product. I know it ****** and I do feel your pain because I've lost stuff too.

    But... when I'm working on things now I make VERY frequent backups. This Cursed Rock had almost 100 backups. Platform School currently has 50. It might seem like overkill, but if I lose any work then I only have to go back a couple of hours, rather than start all over again.

  • If there is nothing that can be done, then there is no use in me sharing the code, I guess.

  • If there is nothing that can be done, then there is no use in me sharing the code, I guess.

    If you are worried about anyone pinching your code, then don't... nobody here is like that. We are here to help, but in this instance there's probably nothing that can be done. Sorry mate


  • For further references, I found out why it happens.

    The undo/redo buttons are messed up and cause this behavior.

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  • Sorry about the loss, I'm sure you put a lot of hard work into it.

    However, look at the bright side! You've learned to backup each version (which is a standard practice in any software development) and your new project will go much smoother, because you know how to do things that you've had trouble setting up.

    Look at it as an experience

  • I'm sorry this happened, but Construct is beta software, and so long as it is, we can't really guarantee it's not going to explode. This can even happen in other mature software releases as well, so I guess you learnt the hard way, to make backups, and not to assume that any backups are done for you. Sorry.

    Still, all such cases should be reported on the tracker - if you find something you undo and redo and it screws up the cap, obviously that's something we desparately want to fix so it doesn't affect anyone else - a good bug report with reproduction steps will help there.

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