...I was trying to compare the parameter using system function and as an event..
Not to confuse you, but this is possible ...as long as it is done within the function declaration. For example:
+On function "test"
++function.param(1) equal to 2
->Set text to "yes it works"
+timer is equal to 5000
->add parameter 2
->call function test
Assuming there's a textbox and a function object in the layout, this will set the text to "yes it works" after 5 seconds have passed.
This means, if you want some kind of a central point to manage a menu or something like that, you could set up a function that will test for all possible values:
on function "selector"
function.param(1) equal to 1
->do menu 1 option
function.param(1) equal to 2
->do menu 2 option
function.param(1) equal to 3
->do menu 3 option
on left clicked on red sprite
->add parameter 1
call function "selector"
on left clicked on green sprite
->add parameter 2
call function "selector"
on left clicked on blue sprite
->add parameter 3
call function "selector"[/code:25xuhyac]