So I am working on a map editor for another project. Right now I have a box with two edit boxes where you enter how many blocks high and how many blocks across you would like a map to be. This part works just fine.
In order to scroll larger maps I want to create a sprite in the middle of the map. Preferably the sprite would create directly on top of a box and move only precisely on top of each tile.
Now here is my problem.
I have two variables (X2 and Y2, X and Y were somehow cursed which I won't get into) that store how many blocks high and across the map is. I create an event to create the sprite object like so:
create object Sprite at
X position:
int('X2' / 2) * Box.Width
Y Position:
int('Y2' / 2) * Box.Height
I hit Finish, there are no errors, but the event simply will not appear. If I create an object with no X and Y parameters and then put them in manually after the event appears, it will disappear immediately.
What have I done to anger Construct so? I am still not very adept at using Construct, but I've done enough tutorials and examined enough .caps and even made a functional game and have found nothing to suggest that I've done anything wrong.
I've included the .cap and HD quality sprite
I apologize for not having named anything... This is the second time I've restarted this and I'm just trying to see if this sort of thing is actually possible to do.
Any suggestions on an alternate way to do this would be appreciated too. I've searched but not found anything. Help!