So should I use construct 1 or 2 ?

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  • Does construct 2 have everything Construct 1 has but more ? Or are those parts still being developed ?

  • construct 2 will have everything, but more, but not yet, it's still in early development. 1 is fullfeatured with just a few kinks left to work out. if you just want to test out 2 and use html5 use 2. if you want to make full games, and be able to do anything with alot of power and speed, use 1. if you want to learn how to use everything that 2 will eventually have, use 1.

    personally I use 1

  • Echo what Lucid said.

    Construct 1 is an excellent tool, and it's a big shame that the devs didn't finish it off before moving on to Construct 2 (luckily Lucid and a few others have taken that job on board, which is a huge favour to the community ).

    I hope to love C2 as much as I love C1.

    And although it will be great if C2 has most/all of the features of C1, the most important aspect for me is an .exe exporter (I'm fed up of saying that, but it's true, lol).

    So personally, I use 1 too.

    In fact, I've never even downloaded C2, such was the importance placed on HTML5 by the devs.

    (Have I mentioned that without an .exe exporter, or at least a definite promise that it will be included with the final product, C2 is no use to me. )


  • Ditto KrushBrother.

    Re C2: I have no interest in developing for the transient 5 minute gameplay market that C2 seems geared towards. C1 rules at the moment.

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  • an .exe exporter, or at least a definite promise that it will be included with the final product

    Q: Will there be an EXE exporter?

    A: Yes, eventually. Either the Scirra devs will make one, or a third-party will make one. With the modular exporter system, it could be both. By the time C2 can be used for much, there will probably be an EXE exporter.

  • an .exe exporter, or at least a definite promise that it will be included with the final product

    ....Either the Scirra devs will make one, or a third-party will make one.

    .....there will probably be an EXE exporter.

    Not quite the same thing mate.

    I remember that original statement, that's why I said what I did in my post.

    I'm talking about the devs promising that it's part of their development plan, and that paying for C2 now gets you the exe exporter.

    Even if paying a little extra for C2 now meant that I was paying for the exporter, at least it would be part of the contract.

    Them saying that they'll get around to doing one eventually and that a 3rd party might get around to doing one isn't the same.

    It would be fine for a free program like C1, but for a commercial product, it's not enough.

    Buying C2 and waiting for a couple of years for a "possible" .exe exporter is of no use to me, because I'd end up paying for something I would never use.


  • Construct 2 is still very early in development - anyone looking for a game creation tool for actual day to day use will probably stick to Classic. However, you should keep an eye on C2, we're hoping it'll overtake Classic one day.

    Krush and others: we are planning a C2 .exe exporter, it's just it's too early for us to tell ourselves when or how it will be developed. So we're being deliberately vague rather than making a guess which might turn out to be wrong. I'm hoping that an .exe exporter turns up much sooner than "a couple of years", though.

  • the fact that c1 isnt "1.0" doesnt mean it isn't a full featured program, the devs just didn't feel they should slap a lazy 1.0 onto a program. you can easily make a complete game. lucid couldn't be more right with his post

    i personally use C1.

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