Yes you can do things like ..
Give Player 1000 hit points, so it dies after 1000 times been hit by a bullet.
And give the enemy only 3 hit points.
Give the Player weapons that do more damage then the enemy does.
Give the Player Lives.
Give the player a shield.
And all those little aids invented to smooth a game.
But, you should see those as *fine tuning* the power relation between Player and Enemy.
Thats all they do anyway, increase or decrease the power of the player/ enemy.
They do not tune the *smartness* of an enemy.
The real challenge is to make enemy's that act as they are steered by humans. The next step is to fine tune with speeds, lives, health, hit points, damage control .. and so on.
Is it easy to do ? No. But you can do an effort. Bring AI in the enemy's. Take the game at least 1 step beyond the obvious.
Do we have tools to do this ? Ah yes we do. One tool are the conditions.
If the Player is not shooting at the me, then dont approach the player. Thats a simple condition, and if i remember right, used in Ghost shooter tutorial.
Do we have more tools ? Ah yes we do. Anything that lets the Enemy sense the Players object, in stead of just moving it towards the players object is a tool in this.
A lot of behaviors have things that we can use to construct a strategy.
Like the turret that can track Objects.
The Line Of Sight ....
The RTS movements ...
The Physics ...
I am not an expert in this. At the moment i just want you to shake you awake.
Telling you that moving the Enemy towards the Players object is not gonna do it.
I am not an expert in Construct anywayz.
I have not idea yet what next post in this will be.