AI using platform movement

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  • Is there a way to use the platform movement for the AI. Like ignoring the keypresses, but being able to simulate a keypress with an event? I'm about to try some AI things out!

  • Im afraid its impossible unless it will be only one AI becouse there is only one Platform control. And simulating keypress, not available yet.

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  • Not currently.

    I've requested a couple features that might make it possible, but haven't gotten any response from Ashley. Hey Ash, if you're reading this, whaddaya say?

    Im afraid its impossible unless it will be only one AI becouse there is only one Platform control. And simulating keypress, not available not.

    Actually, you can set "start ignoring user input" on any enemy that has platform movement, and it won't interfere with the player's movement. Here's a demo .cap that shows it in action:

    The red square is the player, and the blue square is the AI. Every two seconds, the blue square jumps on it's own.

    With the addition of a couple actions to the platform movement it would be possible to give the blue square lateral speed. Here's the total shopping list:

    1. Set X speed (make it move)

    2. Set max speed

    3. Set gravity

    4. Set jump strength

    5. Set jump sustain

    With these actions it would also be possible to change the player's control scheme at runtime. You could have powerups that change your jump or speed, create swimming areas, springboards, conveyor belts, or even in-game cut scenes.

  • Wonderful! And ashley even gave you all those things you requested!

  • Wonderful! And ashley even gave you all those things you requested!

    I know! <img src="">

    Hell, he even threw in gravity direction, man.

    I swear, I might have nothing to do with making Construct, but I actually feel like I do, you know what I mean? I think everyone here should. The Construct community might be small right now, but I've never seen such a phenomenon where everyone had a voice and pitched in on a project like this. I think, in no small part, that smallness has a lot to do with it.

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers,

    For he today that sheds his blood with me

    Shall be my brother. Be he ne'er so vile,

    This day shall gentle his condition,

    And gentlemen in England now-a-bed

    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

  • Yeah i agree. I think i'm becomming a spoiled brat when it comes to this. Now when i come up with an idea, and realise it isn't possible with the current version of Costruct, I just ask for it and get it a few weeks later!

    Also, immagine in a few years when Costruct is the leading game development program. Immagine being able to say "That thing was my idea. And that thing too, and the little addition over there..."

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