The Tiled Background is a wonderful object, however would it be possible to have a feature that allows you to load an image from an external file? The sprite object has this, but it would be really handy if you could load an image with this object!
Good idea... I'll see what I can do!
while ur at it ash did you take a look at the problem and the .cap we spoke about here?:
Oh yay! Thanks Ash.
I just have another feature I'd really really love to see with this object to, the ability to crop. Similar to the image manipulator's crop feature I guess. This would be really useful!! Would this be a possibility?!
you can crop images already...
I think he means at runtime, to trim the alpha around a loaded image automatically.
oh, heh, my mistake XD
Either cropping or changing the hotspot of the image would be really useful!
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But the hotspot of the tiled background is always in the top left corner... I don's see how it could be changed since it stretches from that point.
well that's what I mean, I'd like to be able to resize the image without it always resizing towards the top-left but rather somewhere else. I'm just hoping something like that is possible as it would really boost the efficiency of level editors.
I guess it would be more realistic to have a crop feature for sprites. Now that would be useful.