Reducing File Size

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  • I'm wondering what kind of things increase the size of a .cap file. How do I keep an eye on my .cap size? Okay so file size probably isn't usually the game programmer's top priority. But there's no point in being unnecessarily wasteful. For instance:

    If I import graphics into Construct as bitmaps is it going to be any different than importing them as png or does construct convert them anyway?

    Maybe there could be some way to locate what objects are causing a large file size. When you right click the object and choose "Object Information" maybe the size (in kb) that the object contributes to the .cap could be listed.

    By the way, this all came about because I was posting a bug report and I couldn't get the .cap under the file size limit. I stripped out nearly all of the graphics and deleted several objects that weren't pertinent to the bug but I couldn't quite get down to the limit. (I think the limit was like 256 kb. Can anyone verify?)

  • Well, all the graphics are saved as .png, so at the end of the day there's not much that can be done (plugins aren't saved in the .cap).

    We could have image data stored externally, but it wouldn't do much to alleviate the issue I wouldn't think.

  • I've been wondering about this too, like if the file size gets so big will slower pc's be able to load it?

  • It's something we've recently discussed; after 1.0 we'll be splitting .cap files into .xml files, 1 per layout or event sheet. Graphics will also be external.

    For now, don't worry too much; .cap files won't get so big that a PC can't load them, unless it's a very old PC.

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  • It's something we've recently discussed; after 1.0 we'll be splitting .cap files into .xml files, 1 per layout or event sheet. Graphics will also be external.

    will we still have the option to build a single .exe or identify what we want stored in .exe and what we want stored externally? i like the option to store images externally (makes replacing sprites lots easier) but i'd like to have control over what's called and what's stored within the .exe.

  • Exporting the .exe will be identical to how it is now, you can include sounds/images or have them as resources.

    It's just the developing stage which will change, with everything being modular and thus being more suited to group development.

  • I hope theres plans for adding fuctionality of loading external sprites.

    Something besides using the image manipulator, something like import image as sprite, with hot spots, image points, etc.

  • Yeah that would be cool. If anyone made a game they wanted to sell it would allow for modable content when regarding players and such.

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