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  • Ok i dont get anything what you just said but it made me little sad...

    And yes we are open to any posts.

  • The event based system is much simpler than Python - try running through a beginner tutorial like the Ghost Shooter tutorial:

    It's a bit out of date ("Movements" have now become "Behaviours") but it should get you started.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What's your point? Construct was deliberately designed like this. You are implicitly adding "code" to your game when you add behaviours. The whole point of behaviours is to save you having to add loads of events to do common tasks, for things like a platform movement. Behaviours are code so just because you have a blank event sheet doesn't mean nothing should happen. Why should it?

    As for the brief mention of a crash... did anything crash? If so, it's not meant to, so report it as a bug!

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  • Was I hostile? I meant "What point are you trying to make?". Is it bad that something happens with no events? Do you have a suggestion to make it better? Where are you going with this?

    Perhaps you are misunderstanding what Construct is. It's designed to be a rapid game development program, and do common tasks for you. You mentioned a "pure programming environment" in an earlier post. Construct definitely isn't (impure if you will ) - it's like bolting together commonly used parts of games. If it were all entirely left up to the programmer... you'd have a language like C++ and it'd surely take longer to get everything done!

    Sorry if I came across hostile, I don't mean to be but I'm not sure what you are trying to say. For example, are you trying to say its bad that behaviours work automatically? Do you mean you should have to use events to turn them on? I'm definitely open to suggestions here... just trying to establish what you're saying.

  • haha at the hostile replys allready ..

    i am not killing anyone ..

    and i can not report bugs in ur game ..

    i said "is waiting to crash ur game" ..


    dont look into the lines to be able to make

    silly hostile comments ..

    i just continue ... and will not reply

    on comments ne more .. till i am done

    and i said "the behaviours are extremely well done"

    i am trying to help .. if not apreciated ..

    well ashley then mail me eh ...

    anyway i will continue

    We're trying to help you, but I don't really understand... Don't you have any friend that knows English better than you, and may translate you?

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  • You mean triggers? Like... On User Clicked? On Fade Finished? On object collided with another object?

    These are already all built in to Construct!

  • Sounds like (for example) you want an RTS movement but don't like that you just have to apply it and it works ...

    So ... don't apply it! Work up your own solution in the event sheet.

    Somehow my head hurts after reading this thread.

  • Sounds like (for example) you want an RTS movement but don't like that you just have to apply it and it works ...

    So ... don't apply it! Work up your own solution in the event sheet.

    Somehow my head hurts after reading this thread.

    Yeah he's style of writting kind of reminds me Japanesse XD

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  • You can already do all of that, by adding multiple conditions to one event, and using the 'Trigger once while true' condition.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but... did you finish that tutorial? Perhaps you'd have a clearer insight when you have more experience with Construct?

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