Bone Moventent export

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From the Asset Store
A pack of blood, flesh and bone sounds for War, Battlefield, Medieval Weapon, Fighting, Horror, containing 300 SFXs.
  • Hello,

    First: the bone movement ist the best idea from the world !!!!!

    I have a big idea, after make all bones and grafics, can export all on 1 zu png with transparent !!!!

    easy way to build animation !

  • Why exactly would you want this? By just using the bone animation system by itself, you can not only get smoother animations, but you also get smaller file sizes.

  • If you really want to export to separate png files, its possible by placing a canvas object behind everything and pasting all the bones into it...then using image manipulator to save it...but then you wont have the advantage of infinite smoothness and tweaning etc.

  • i've got better idea : why not make "export bone movement to file" and "import bone movement from file" feature? That would help a lot with projects made by more that one person. Or even better - exporting/importing bone movement with graphics that use it.

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  • Probably a better (and knowing the code well, programatically) idea is to be able to export/import objects to files. I'll add it to the todolist for after 1.0.

  • placing a canvas object behind everything and pasting all the bones into it...then using image manipulator to save it

    Does that work, and how? According to the image manipulator's action names, it only copies from sprites, not canvasses. You can specify a canvas, or even the MouseKeyboard object, as the parameter; but using it that way doesn't seem to do much except crash.

  • Probably a better (and knowing the code well, programatically) idea is to be able to export/import objects to files. I'll add it to the todolist for after 1.0.

    yes! thats the best option. And i've got one more idea : " Import objetc(s) from another project".

  • > Probably a better (and knowing the code well, programatically) idea is to be able to export/import objects to files. I'll add it to the todolist for after 1.0.


    yes! thats the best option. And i've got one more idea : " Import objetc(s) from another project".

    But if you want to import an object from Project B into Project A you could just open up Project B and export the object to a file. Then open Project A and import from that file.

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