Behavior problems

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  • Okay so I just recently downloaded Construct and i'm amazed at the tools at my disposal, I previously used Game Maker so these features are like spoiling me so far, but the behaviors is something that is confusing me so far.

    It seems that theres a limit to what you can do with behaviors, for example theres a bullet behavior, but since im trying to make a fancy danmaku game I need to be able to add extra controls to those bullets (Split them, make them spawn more bullets, turn around, follow the boss, the works) so im wondering and it would be kindof important, if theres a way to make custom behaviors?

  • Hey FancySamantha. Those all sound like readily acheivable things with the Bullet behaviour and some quick events. But if you want to make your own plugins, you should have a look at the Construct SDK located here:

    I could whip up a cap showing you how to do those bullet thingys if you'd like.

  • You can adjust the way the behaviours work by using events, there is also a "custom movement" behaviour which gives you a lot of control via the events.

  • Hey FancySamantha. Those all sound like readily acheivable things with the Bullet behaviour and some quick events. But if you want to make your own plugins, you should have a look at the Construct SDK located here:

    I could whip up a cap showing you how to do those bullet thingys if you'd like.

    It'd be nice to get some help, I only just started with this new program, if youd like I could show you something similar to what im trying to make, and you might be able to tell me if anything is imposible?

  • You can adjust the way the behaviours work by using events, there is also a "custom movement" behaviour which gives you a lot of control via the events.

    Il make sure to check it out, but when I insert one I dont seem to have options, but then again I havent touched events just yet.

  • It'd be nice to get some help, I only just started with this new program, if youd like I could show you something similar to what im trying to make, and you might be able to tell me if anything is imposible?

    Can I ask what version you're using?

  • > It'd be nice to get some help, I only just started with this new program, if youd like I could show you something similar to what im trying to make, and you might be able to tell me if anything is imposible?


    Can I ask what version you're using?

    Construct 0.99.5

  • ... Events.cap

    There you go. Hopefully that should answer a few questions. I wasn't sure what level you were at with Construct, so I just went right back to basics.

  • Updated that .cap with some info on Private Variables.

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  • One thing to keep in mind is pretty much all the behaviors can be replicated via events, its just that having the behavior is a wonderful time saver. Also once you get the hang of things you'll find simple ways to do stuff, like having the bullet follow something by simply setting its angle to the target angle. And then you can even add multiple behaviors to objects like adding the sine behavior to a bullet.

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