Your turn to Disembark - A short narrative game about a weird train I've just released!

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From the Asset Store
A well commented RPG game template to learn from or use as a base for your own game!
  • Hey all!

    I've just released my new game Your turn to Disembark, a game about waking up on a weird train and trying to escape with the help of your fellow passengers who are in the same situation.

    The game takes around an hour to beat and is playable in your web browser!

    Go check it out!


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  • I really like how you made the voices unique with the different clicks, flawless.

    Also a very cool project overall, but the background art on the page really stood out for me, it looks dope af!

    Did your ever consider using that style for the dialogue portraits? or even the whole game? I mean pixel art is cool too, but I was really impressed by that style in the background art.

  • woah this is amazing, some good train murder mystery right here. oracle guy is the best character period. also i like how the protagonist is a robot remote controlled by player thru some interdimensional bluetooth or something. i wish it worked that well in real life too when im trying to use my earpods.

    the portrayal of different personalities for each character is very solid by the way. also, you totally nailed it with keeping suspense and adding more twists to the story as it goes. hyped for more games from you.

    bonus fan art:

  • Heya, glad you enjoyed the game!

    I would have loved for the whole game to be done in the same style as the background art but unfortunately the art was done by a sibling of mine who has to be paid for said art and I just don't have the money for that lmao.

  • I've completed the game now and I can say it gives some big dangananshroompa and doctor who vibes.

    (spoilers) Btw I really like the way player was able to remember Decker because the curse only works within the game world literally. Player/protagonist as separate story entities is one of the most fun tropes and it has plot significance here. I think it's actually the first time I've seen it used for more than a gimmick but an actual tool for character development that happens after Decker is murdered.

    it's disembarkin' time

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