Do you need help building a FNF mod?

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Isometric Stategy Roleplay Game Building and Streets Pack.
  • As a Construct User, I have been building fnf mods, so I could expand the franchise of the game. If ya'll have played my VS Edgar Mod, you will see the basic mechanics, but not everything is there. I've been working on a new FNF mod, VS Melvin, which is still in development. This game has a lot of improved mechanics then the VS Edgar mod, and I'm still trying to Improve/Add better mechanics while it's in the making.

    The image above is a preview for what the game actually holds.

    So if you need help, just talk to me in this topic.

    Also the game has been made from scratch, so no official Engines has been used, and I'm being honest about that.

    P.S. The game is still in the making, and I don't know when the demo of it be released.


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