My Daily Puzzle Game - ColorThyme

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An amazing and interesting puzzle game for kids!
  • Hi All,

    I've been tinkering with Construct for years but finally put together my first game!

    It's a daily puzzle game where you try to get all 30 circles in the play area to be the same color in as few moves as possible. When you touch a circle it will change to your selected color and kick off a cascading effect for all circles that matched your selected color and touched in an orthogonal direction. Honestly, it's easier to see in action, so please check it out :)

    You can replay as much as you'd like to try for a better score. You can share your score, which I've found can make the game a little addicting, trying to beat or at least match your friend's score! And if they don't believe your score, you can share the method which will prove how you got it!

    Please visit and let me know your thoughts!


  • Congrats for completed the project. I felt the theme a bit too casual yet the gameplay not resemble that fashion. Kinda lost in the beginning since the instruction just a static text without any pointer or other interactive cue. UI needs to be more distinct than circle pieces as they are really similar in shape.

  • I agree, congratulations! I like this idea a lot and I could see it becoming quite a challenge with things like limited colours swaps and obstacles on the board. I hope you keep it up!

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  • Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

    The instructions have been a challenge, I like your idea of interactive visual cues, may have to look into that! I've gone back and forth on distinctive shapes vs all circles, but something to think about!

    Limitations and obstacles could definitely spice up the gameplay, maybe even offer additional modes to see what is the most fun.

    Thanks again!

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