Crush Cans - my first mobile game

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From the Asset Store
Ball Crush
$18 USD
The aim of the game is to match identical balls to eliminate them from your space.
  • Hi,

    this is my first mobile game I ever made in Construct 3.

    Tap screen to hit can. Thats all. I will upgrade my project soon - the fruit of my learning.

    I want to add Google Highscores but it may take a few weeks to learn how Firebase work. I dont understand why Scirra didnt add plug-in for this "must have" mobile system. Are you planning to create these plugins?

    If anybody have any friendly tutorials please PM me.

    I will be greateful for rating my app.

    Thank you!

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  • Hello, I've decided to update my first Android game - Crush Cans.

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    To begin with, let me explain what the game is about - in the game, we control a character whose task is to collect and crush cans in a mini-game.

    The collected cans can be sold for scrap, and the earned money can be used to buy new shoes. Money can also be earned by playing a bottle game with local collectors.

    The new update includes:

    * Adding a city map (replacing the static menu)

    * Redesigning the shop

    * Redesigning the scrapyard

    * Redesigning the "crushing cans" stage

    * Adding new shoes (now there are 80 to choose from in categories such as standard, sporty, elegant, and animal-shaped slippers)

    * Adding a mini-game "bottle game"

    * Adding equipment in the form of a selection table

    * New sounds

    * New graphics

    In the future, new shoes, pants, other mini-games, better graphics, and better sounds will be added.

    The game still has minor logical errors and can lag (especially when starting a new screen), so I will have to work on optimization.

    I encourage you to download, check out, and rate the game. Thank you.

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