testOverlap() + quadTree

  • It's not shipped yet, there will be a stable release first, then the next beta cycle starts. So maybe in a week or two.

  • Oh wow, this is some amazing news. There has been back to back absolute treats lately, thanks Ashley πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    It would be cool to see the quadtree method adapted to work as a 3rd party addon. I could help with that as I think there is still some value in having it as an alternative collision algorithm.

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  • It would be cool to see the quadtree method adapted to work as a 3rd party addon. I could help with that as I think there is still some value in having it as an alternative collision algorithm.

    Go for it, I'm pretty tight on time currently so I cannot help much more here, not to mention I haven't touched the SDK in a while. I think if you go for an algorithm it's probably a good idea to go for rBush since it's even faster. I sort of toyed around with the idea in my head in case missed it:

    What about a plugin that can be placed like a sprite though? For infinite games you'd pin it to the player and ignore everything outside. The object could easily be adjusted with the properties bar and it being an object rather than being buried in the depths of the engine allows to tap into its optimization outside of just collision detection. It would have a "Pick candidates" action that can be called to pick the candidates from the relevant cells. This then allows to do whatever with the picked instances, be it "is overlapping" or any kind of loop. Although that means that the engine builds both collision cells and the tree then for the instances, which could again be not ideal.

  • I added a way to change the collision cell size

    YES! Wohoooo, that's great news, love it.

  • Just wanted to update here now that it's in beta:

    Collision cells now perform roughly 1.5-3x better than rBush depending on the test (tested with size 50 x 50). Big improvement, really awesome!

    I do hope though that this beta cycle will also add this to scripting and SDK. I mean we can now do this in javascript "IRuntime.setCollisionCellSize()" but technically it's pretty much entirely useless, unless I do my collision checks with Events which I'd rather want to avoid.

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