Isn't there an easier way to do a Visual Novel?

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  • I am new to construct 3 and I have been learning quite a bit but I am not very good at coding so it has been an uphill battle. I was using Visual Novel Maker and it took me 2 years to make a game. (I'm a homeschooling mom and so I can only get on my computer once in a while.) Yet it's very limited in what it could do so I wanted to try to use Construct 3 and make the switch.

    All of the really good tutorials on making dialogue have you overlap the subject in order for them to speak. So that won't work where most of the game you just click the mouse to get to the next speech. I tried using arrays for this but they were on weapons. I did try the tutorial by Lara_D but I'm still confused (I don't understand JSON too well and an array seemed easier). Is there anyone who can explain in simple terms how to switch characters after saying a few lines and then have another character say something, hide the dialogue and make a choice? Thanks so much.

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  • Short answer is not really, but there's Json.

    Long answer is maybe, or

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