How do I get the image Point coordinates of the origin?

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  • Hello, I'm trying to the image point of the origin from a sprite and the result is always 200, 150. No matter where I put the origin.

    This is my code:

    imagePointsX = puzzle.x + piece.getImagePointX(i); imagePointsY = puzzle.y + piece.getImagePointY(i);


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  • I actually think that's normal behavior. If you change the origin of your sprite, the x and y position on the layout will stay the same. Only the image will move relative to the origin. So if you put your origin at 0,0 instead of center, the image will just shift with height/2 and width/2, and keep the x and y position the same.

    Maybe it's better to use another image point instead of origin?

    But i'm not sure if I fully understand your question...

  • Hello, I'm trying to the image point of the origin from a sprite and the result is always 200, 150. No matter where I put the origin.

    This is my code:

    imagePointsX = puzzle.x + piece.getImagePointX(i); imagePointsY = puzzle.y + piece.getImagePointY(i);

    If you want the "image point of the origin" just use piece.x and piece.y

  • getImagePointX/Y already returns a value in layout co-ordinates, so you should not add the object position to it.

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