attaching a custom event handler

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  • Hello,

    I recently found an interesting problem while using Construct. I have an app that uses TextToSpeech heavily that I export as html5.

    I embed that on a website and I view it using a react native webview in an android app. The problem is that android webview does not support speechSynthesis api and cannot benefit from this functionality.

    However, I made a custom function on the website (in js) that uses external packages to overcome this. Is there a way to change the Construct text to speech handler to my own custom function?

    Ashley, if you are available and can offer any input that would be appreciated.

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  • Hi Ashley and other experts, I would greatly appreciate any feedback. The key point is:

    Is there a way to change the Construct text to speech handler to my own custom function?

    We can provide more details if it would be helpful.

    Thanks very much!

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