access array from script

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  • Please someone help, as this issue is driving me crazy for days in a row.

    I am very new to scripting, but been able to make it right with the help of gpt, but now, even gpt is tired of this issue and cannot resolve it further.

    I need to update a textbox called textDebug with the first value of the array called NEWScheduleArray. Whatever I (and gpt) do it always gives the same result "scheduleArray.get is not a function"

    right now, after 1000 changes, the code goes like this:

    // Access the NEWScheduleArray instance

    const scheduleArray = runtime.objects.NEWScheduleArray.getFirstInstance();

    // Retrieve the value at position [0, 0] from the array

    const valueAt00 = scheduleArray.get(0, 0); // Correct method to use

    // Access the textDebug Text object instance

    const textDebugObject = runtime.objects.textDebug.getFirstInstance();

    // Update the text of textDebug with the retrieved value

    textDebugObject.text = valueAt00.toString(); // Convert to string if necessary

    What is wrong and how to capture the value 0,0 inside the array?

    Many thanks in advance

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  • const valueAt00 = scheduleArray.get(0, 0); // Correct method to use

    It's the incorrect method. The correct method is scheduleArray.getAt(0,0)

    In such cases I always recommend to consult the manual over gpt, because gpt will not be familiar with the API of Construct.

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