Good news - POEditor were able to recover the contribution counts. We will add on the counts below to the final count when the translation reaches 100%.
Everything's settled down now so I believe it's safe to continue contributing translations. As far as I can tell no actual translations were lost, we've only restored the contribution count here. Thanks for everyone's patience during this and as ever, we appreciate your contributions!
nemezes 2592
Kross 2157
Chrystian Sales 1462
Huemerson Leonardo Garcia 1108
HenriPK 668
Renato Belmont 310
Nicolas Severo 193
Virgula 167
luis carlos gonso forte 118
Bruno Cardoso 112
Nicolas Severo 91
André 88
Humberto Grillo Celia Silva 87
mauricio brancalion 78
Herculino 62
MarioDesigner 56
Mateus Sales 50
Viktor Eisenmann 48
Plasmmer 47
Jefferson Lessa 36
Lucas Cunha Bastos 24
Fernando Klabunde 23
Ricardo Gomes 22
Tito Henrique Borges de Souza 21
jazjefferson 20
Paulo Eduardo Fagundes dos Santos 19
Paula 16
Jogos Gratis Pro 16
Deverton 16
Fernando Henrique Rosa 13
Chrystoffer Kugler Horochovec 12
DimitriFonseca 11
Henrique Dias 9
Joao Pedro Prado Leal 3
Bigheti 2