How to set blend mode for 3D object during runtime

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  • I see there is a WorldInfo method SetBlendMode, however when I use it, it behaves different vs the BlendMode effect property for the object.

    The effect property blendmode applies to the 2D image of the 3D object (e.g. when using the intermediate buffer as a texture to render to the final buffer).

    So far, when I use the WI SetBlendMode, it seems to apply _during_ the 3D render to the intermediate buffer instead. I have tried putting it before my draw commands, after my draw commands and during the action code itself, but the behavior is the same.

    I imagine I am missing something, so looking for help/suggestions.

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  • Hmm, after more experimentation, I can't replicate the editor mode version, that I thought I had seen before. Also experimenting with 3D Shape, it seems similar to apply the blend mode during the original 3D render. Hmmmm.

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