Request AJAX plugin source

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  • This post for Ashley:

    Hey Ashley! I want to make my own plugin for some-system (already maded in C3 events, but want make a plugin).

    The idea is:


    Checks user banned

    Make internal system hi-scores & achivements

    Make internal-system chat (with rooms)

    Also multiplayer (with rooms)

    Right now its working fine in events in event-sheet (single for easy copy to new or existing projects), but this not a good option of how-to-make it...

    So i start making plugin (already made 3 plugins, but no one is working with tags [wich are triggers] and AJAX requests).

    I search & read many topics & manual, but found not enough information and have too many questions...

    For years i learn programming languages using source-code (until late 90-s it was the only way, lack of books in store and no Internet)...

    So, i finally do my ask: can you provide me AJAX plugin source (its maked like other plugins, right?) so i can study it and complete my own (maybee few more) for ease using of my server functions...


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  • I'm afraid we will not share internal source code, and I don't believe it's relevant to the case you described anyway: just use fetch().

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