How to remove a broken plugin from construct 3?

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  • I'm working on a plugin that's a modified version of the sprite object. However, I forgot my editor-scripts folder so when I installed the addon to test and restarted construct 3 I get a red screen with an error saying it can't find the editor-scripts files. But now I can't remove or update the plugin because it just hangs on the red screen. Just kinda bricked my construct installation but I'm not looking to completely uninstall and reinstall all of my plugins again. I'm fine with construct being bundled into chrome but I hate that I have no directory to access when things like this happen.

  • Almost got somewhere, there's a split second at the beginning where I can open the top left menu but opening the addon manager doesn't work while it's red screen

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  • boo-yah. very nice, very nice.

  • Hi, You can use this url:

    And uninstall the problematic plugin in the addon manager

    Edit:Sorry, maybe I misread and I thought you missed a plugin file so it crashed. So probably the above doesn’t work.

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