Related TikTok-Live-Connector and Node.js challenge

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  • I have some personal c3addons, which I may not be able to sell or share.


    1: create c3addon + NPM feature package name

    2: To achieve platform (web/android/ios and others),

    have a web host or server that supports node.js,

    now there are many web hosts that support node.js at low prices.


    1: to transfer data from the Node.js environment to the browser (client side),

    process/display/send/get data in the browser

    2: where files are uploaded, usually there are server.js and package.json.

    node.js will install the package.json file and run server.js and other data.

    in the package.json file the NPM dependency of the package name,

    EXAMPLE you want to create a c3addon TikTok-Live-Connector


    If you don't have a web host or server, it will still work,


    1: Install Node.js on your system

    2: Open console/terminal in the root directory of the project

    Enter npm ito install all the necessary dependencies

    Enter node server.js to start the application server.

    Why can't I sell or share my personal plugins,

    Because my plugin doesn't match the NPM package name you want.

    Find the package name at


    must first call the server url

    if local host example http://localhost:8091,

    if web host server e.g.

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