Condition Function is not triggered into EvenSheet action

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hi,

    I am managing an addon for displaying ads in Construct games. I use DOM messaging for that. I use functions in conditions.js file to trigger events into the Event Sheet. It worked well before, but stopped with the recent Construct 3 updates.

    Description of the issue:

    In conditions.js, I have function:


    { console.log("[GameArter SDK] onResumeGame");

    return true;


    In Construct350, the function is triggered (I see the log in the console), however, not forwarded (the return true) into attached event in the Event Sheet (e.g. mute sound - in other words, muteSound function attached in EventSheet is not triggered).

    Did something change in Construct addons logic? I downloaded latest examples but did not notice any change in this. Is that an issue on my side, or some current C3 issue?

    BTW, yes, in aces.json, I have defined the "onResumeGame" as the isTrigger.


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