Combo Property to Cordova plugin reference.

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  • Hi Nepeo, is it possible for us to reference different Cordova plugins depending on the combo property selection?

    Like this:

    			// Setting Property References
    			const mode = new SDK.PluginProperty("combo", "mode", { "items": ["first-plugin", "second-plugin"], "initialValue": "first-plugin"})
     const pluginMode = (mode === "first-plugin" ? "cordova-plugin-first" : "cordova-plugin-second");
     // Cordova Plugin Reference
    					id: pluginMode,
    					plugin: this


  • I'm afraid not, the whole plugin definition is treated as a static type object. After it has been created it doesn't do much other than hold information. Trying to read back the value of a plugin property is also pretty hard, as the definition of the property is decoupled from the actual value. Took a fair bit of gymnastics to get dynamic variables to work.

    We could probably add something like this, but it could add weird side effects ( plugin list becomes non-deterministic ), and I'm not sure what the advantage is?

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  • I see, I understand. Thanks for explaining.

    We could probably add something like this, but it could add weird side effects ( plugin list becomes non-deterministic ), and I'm not sure what the advantage is?

    I was planning to load different Cordova plugins that can have the same ACEs, just different platforms and each plugin having their own exclusive features. Although, I understand if it can't be done, cause it might be a lot of work.

    Thanks for explaining.

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