Add-on missing for construct 3 needed, INSTALLING NEW ADD-ONS DOESN'T WORK !!!

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  • Hi, in my construct 2 app i use:

    -Behavior EaseTween Mod (rex_lunarray_Tween_mod) by Yeremia AI (lunarray)

    -Effect RGBA channel separation (separatechannel) by Jan Raap a.k.a. oppenheimer

    I purchassed construct 3 but he wont open my project because those two behavior & effect are missing !

    And i can't find them for construct 3 !!


    I install ALL my new behaviors, effects etc


    It keeps telling me RESTART CONSTRUCT 3 for the new add-ons !

    SO i paid 99eur...for something NOT WORKING at all !

    I keep refreshing the construct 3 page with F5, nothing happens, i have to re-login everytime...and still NO NEW ADD-ON !

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  • Hi, this thread is 1 month old, but this is to make you aware that you were using third-party Addons which were created by some third-party developer. In these cases you can contact the developer who created those addons.

    The addons you used in Construct 2 and the ones you are using now in Construct 3 are developed by completely different developers. So these won't work.

    Construct 3 Team is not to blame here.

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