What is the wrong with this code?!

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Be quick and choose whether the shown equation is right or wrong.
  • R0J0hound


    I am trying to ( Draw a dashed line by touch from A to B where A= At any touch start, and B=At any touch end ) without using the canvas plugin, where each dash is an equal distance and angle from the previous one, aiming to have a beautifully shaped dash line at the end. ( as shown in pic ).


    Did I miss something??

    Thanks in advance


  • Hmm. The for loop serves no purpose, you're just creating 10 objects at a time that are the same. You probably should set the width to the distance from the mouse. Also changing the image x offset could be useful, probably it would relate to the total distance so far.

    Anyways here's a different way to do it. I'm sure there are many other ideas.


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  • Hmm. The for loop serves no purpose, you're just creating 10 objects at a time that are the same. You probably should set the width to the distance from the mouse. Also changing the image x offset could be useful, probably it would relate to the total distance so far.

    Anyways here's a different way to do it. I'm sure there are many other ideas.


    As always, U R the best

    Many thanks

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