in the iframe (in this case the YouTube embedded player) it works in preview and HTML5 export. However, when I export using the xcode corvdova option, and after compiling the .ipa the player doesn't show up anymore nor loads at all. I'm using "playsinline=1" in my URL string which I read online it was necessary for non-fullscreen YouTube videos to work. Still no luck though.
Also, in the error log on xcode I do see a lot of 'UIWebView deprecated' tags, maybe that has something to do with it? On YouTubes API website it talks about allowsInlineMediaPlayback must be set to true which I did set you YES in xcode I believe
This talks about the youtube player using UIWebView - WKWebView. Honestly, I'm a bit confused what C3 is exporting for xcode though, I'm not the greatest coder
Perhaps I need to include this? But I wouldn't know where to put it. This and This are equally helpful, to some extent, at this point I'm just trying a whole bunch of methods