Why are my particles not working properly?

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From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • When I did this in consctruct 2, everything was fine, after I migrated to 3 the part keeps spawning behind the object, I want it to spawn on top of the object

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  • I can't understand why it doesn't work.

    I did the same thing in construct 2 and in a new project from 3, and it works.

    I already deleted the particle and the layer and redid it from scratch, I closed and opened the project, and it continues to spawn underneath

  • Check that the object and the particles are on the correct layers. Or maybe there is another event which moves the object to the top of the layer on every tick.

  • Check that the object and the particles are on the correct layers. Or maybe there is another event which moves the object to the top of the layer on every tick.

    I turned off all the codes, and the problem continues

    no matter what layer I put, it is always spawning under the target object.

  • it seems that my project is buggy, I made a new layout and event and it continues like this

  • There must be an explanation. Maybe you accidentally set a blend mode or something like that.

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  • There must be an explanation. Maybe you accidentally set a blend mode or something like that.

    I managed to find out, it was the 3d camera object, I don't know what its function is, but I removed it and it went back to normal

    I'm really enjoying the forum, being able to interact and see other points of view on a problem helps a lot


  • Can confirm this happened to me too, and deleting the camera fixed it. This should be looked at, but I can't replicate it for the life of me.

  • Hi!

    I just want to confirm. I was suddenly having the SAME problem. I had it working before in my game (and I went back to old save files to confirm it was working) but somewhere before save 3 and save 14, the particles started to behave in ways I did not intend.

    My particles would hide under all objects - not just the one it was spawned from. I just fixed the issue based on your idea. I had "dabbled" with a 3D Object just to see what it does and never deleted it. For some reason, this automatically changes some things in the design. Once I deleted the object (from my library), the issue is fixed.


  • Hi All,

    I've been a long time member but am only now picking up C2 again...

    I'm seeing what you guys are with respect to particle effects in C2, they seem to be behind everything even when I bring their z-order to the top. I can preview the project in DEBUG mode and even see the particles bounding box growing and shrinking, but no actual visual effects! I looked to see if I had a 'camera' object, but alas, I don't.

    More interestingly, I even tried loading the simple C2 particle effects demo project from File -> New, and there are no effects THERE either...

    Does anyone have any other ideas? =)

    Thanks in advance,


  • Oops, sorry for the delay

    I already finished the development of my game and I didn't enter the forum anymore, I don't know if I understood exactly your problem, if I record a video of the screen I think it would make it easier.

    Although it's been so long since you commented, it must have already been resolved xD

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